The Martial Art ... of Relationship
A Dangerously Fun Workshop for Men
What People Say...

"One of the most significant set of teachings I never knew I needed, and one of the best weekends of learning I have ever had in my life.
Hugely significant. I've been referring back to it almost daily with all sorts of scenarios.
Mo provides a safe yet unconventional way of meeting yourself, honestly, authentically, without ego, without limits.
The impact has been beyond words in my life so far. I'd be very keen to do it again.
A huge thank you."
Kaleb John Honeyman AUSTRALIA
“What a magnificent weekend! Packed full of transformation, clarity and profound insights into self, others and reality.
I have learned, and began integrating, more useful/practical information in the past 2 days then in 7 years of private/informal study!
The fact that I can use any of the practices in everyday life; that I can guide and hold space for myself and others better; and that it can be approached with a child-like curiosity and playfulness is extraordinarily wonderful.”

"I recommend "The Martial Art of Relationship' Intensive to men at any stage of their personal development journey, whether just beginning or decades down their path.
Mo's facilitation created a powerful space, that was both very transformative and also a lot of fun! I have been going to workshops for 10+ years now... with most of them being very dry and with so many being theory-based, this was SO different to that.
Diving into the physical practices and processes brought such a depth of reflections and lessons for how I am showing up in my life, my relationships and within my business, as well as practical ways to apply these lessons!
I highly recommend this workshop and working with Mo!"

"I want to commend you on the great work you do. I fuckin’ love it!!
It really helps me expand and grow.
The weapons work, the physicality of it.
The honest feedback, with non-judgement, from other men was so super important. When I’m listening to my woman now, I’m listening in a different light.
You expertly bring out the best in people in a very safe way and help men address fears front on, in a confronting but gentle and supportive way."

"First thing I thought was ‘This guy is real. Good. I’m not with a fraud.’
Really profound first day experiences particularly with the first exercise.
What was really valuable for me was to have different types of men - because there was a very diverse range of men - give different types of feedback.
There has been changes to intimacy. Most importantly the initial effect was the ability to have a way to communicate a boundary.
It has brought us to a space where we can communicate and gain more clarity on the nature of the ‘wound’ and the degree of my contribution to it ... and it’s helped me feel alot more confident and empowered.
I’m practicing what I learned and continuing to discover inside of that.
I treasure the experience and came away from it feeling very grateful for it."

"It’s been different (since the workshop). I’ve just felt like when I’m around (my partner) , my level of presence has increased ten fold. There’s been a couple of times where she’s gotten emotional, I’ve stood my ground, reassured her and she’s felt almost immediately better. Big shifts, brother. Thank you.
I was a little skeptical when leaving that anything would flow into my real life but I was proven wrong."

"The most valuable thing I got from today is this piece around embodiment ... to actually make an integrated change in my body ... able to show up as a different man. That’s what today has given a taste of, that I can feel it in my body, and have a reference point to come back to at a later date"

"Thanks Mo. it exceeded my expectations. I really enjoyed the dots you connected between the self discipline of martial arts and how some of those techniques translate into tools for complimenting and supporting the sacred feminine. It was on point!"

"The last week has been intense. As I mentioned my wife and I had started arguing before I attended the workshop last Sunday.
Things were really rocky and in a bad place, and the first few days after I found myself falling back into my old routine and habits (when we are arguing).
Things were at the point where I had my bags packed ready to leave.
However as easy as it would be to walk away, I dropped back into the practices we learned at the workshop which helped me keep focused and helped her feel connected and heard.
It wasn't easy, I have an added factor with my wife that she suffers from mental health issues.
Sometimes this makes it virtually impossible to connect with her when we are arguing.
However I now have more options and tools within my arsenal to help break through in those moments.
I am 100% confident that if I hadn't had the practices from your workshop to help me focus and make her feel heard and supported that my marriage would have dissolved over the last week.
I can't thank you enough."

"What I took from the session was to embody the masculine ... embrace it, and let it come to the surface rather than suppressing it. And then also sitting with my emotions and feeling more as well.
Seeing how other men can be so open and raw with themselves and others, without even knowing anyone. That was inspiring."

"My main intention in coming along was to step more into my masculine, to take action. To show up on that level. The energy I felt the workshop unlocked ... in one word ... Mojo. I got my Mojo back. I got that flow back"
What People Say About Mo

“I have been working with Mo as a coach now for a couple of months. Although we have our sessions via Skype, I always notice his focused attention and presence…He is helping me getting more clarity in my relationship, and so far his direction leads to more freedom, service and fulfilment. He is a guy who combines the sharpness of the sword with a huge heart.
What stands out for me in working with Mo is his real clarity, and his deep wisdom about how to elevate relationships.”

“Thank you once again for such an incredible insight into how we as men can do so much more to be conscious and present in our world. Wish I met you 20 years ago. I invite any other guys who are serious about transforming their world and their relationships with their woman to join Mo’s Men’s circle. It will be the best choice you make this year.
Thanks again.”

“Mo is one of the most skilled and gifted one to one counsellors on difficult topics and has the uncanny ability to get you to look deep, deep within yourself to find answers a moment ago you were not aware were there.”
“We feel you are (one) of the most skilled, talented and knowledgeable counsellors we have come across. We both instantly felt at ease with you and we felt like you just ‘get’ us and where we are coming from. We definitely clicked and had a great connection with you.
You have an excellent grasp on psychology and the masculine and feminine dynamics.
We see you as the ‘Rolls Royce’ of couples counselling and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend you.”
“Thanks to Mo Latin for an awesome conversation last night. Simple and profound shifts happened during the time we spoke and I am really excited about how things will unfold from here! If Porn is an area of struggle for you, or has been, then having a conversation with Mo will definitely help you in getting clear.
The energy that is bound up in sexual kinks is the very energy needed to cut through habits and closures, so that a purposeful life can be lived! I’m very grateful to have been shown me a way to live with my sexual kinks that is integral, clear and true!”
“I have been privileged enough to receive Mo’s guidance on a weekly basis over the last two years and have found him to be an inspiring and empowering practitioner.
He has regularly given me insightful feedback that I am deeply grateful for and my life is richer as a result.
“I’ve been wanting to explore some of the darker aspects of sex with my wife for a long time but really didn’t know where to begin. or even how to start the conversation about exploring some fantasies, trying new things that some people may call kinky. I now see that those fantasies are really quite normal between two loving people.I found out my partner was actually in for the same things as I was, and now we are more comfortable in exploring and making those fantasies real.
This has brought another whole dimension to our sex life which is great.
During (another) great coaching session I felt comfortable enough to talk this through and we found some creative and fun ways to bring up my authentic desires in a way that truly honours my woman and our relationship, without feeling judged or like some kind of deviant or pervert!
A few days later we had an edgy and exciting conversation, which led to us buying some new outfits for her which she totally loves.
She is really is relaxed about it, and enjoys me enjoying her (and enjoys her new lingerie :)). Sex is now even better not withholding and both enjoy this change very much.”
“I feel the biggest breakthrough I had is really getting that everything is ok and being courageous to stand in my fear and not being good enough to get to the other side. I now give myself time to listen, feel, breathe and embody what’s real for me prior to reacting. This means some things have slowed down, which is peaceful.I don’t question whether I am right or wrong anymore. I spend more time working through how we, together can get the best outcome. I don’t really care who did what, when or how, I am much more focused on what is happening right now. I feel grounded and at peace with who I am.
Understanding and acceptance of my partner has been the biggest breakthrough. Getting that she is her own self and responsible for her own self and way of being. This has brought some freedom into our relationship and provided a foundation of trust. We talk more appropriately with each other with respect and love and kindness.
The specific benefit I have experienced from a whole lot of changes is the feeling I get and a I see when I sit with my wife, and our children are with us and they look at us and be with us, smiling, playing, knowing that they have everything they need right there in the room and just being together as one. This makes it all worth while.”
“We decided to have coaching because we wanted to deepen our relationship and improve our intimacy, which was not getting better while having young children. Also we always had the feeling something was missing in our intimacyOver the past year I have been on calls with Mo (and my partner with Mo’s partner Lisa), and we have had couple coaching as well.
For me this meant that I got more insight in how to live an authentic life and it has helped me to reset my life’s goals. Furthermore I got more insight in how male-female dynamics go and now I know better how to open my woman.
Now after these twelve months I can say I would still like to make many improvements in some areas, but the coaching has provided me with many ‘tools’ to achieve this.
My relationship has miles more depth now and I would advise everybody to start exploring and improving their relationship”
Words from one woman, speaking for many...

“I found Mo’s insight into the male mind when it comes to female interaction really fascinating and totally unexpected. Talking over my personal challenges with Mo in such an open and trusted environment, enabled me to ease my fears, open my eyes and my heart and truly feel what it must be like to be on the receiving end of my actions and reactions.I have since been able to relate to my partner with greater empathy by utilising Mo’s guidance. In turn, I have felt warmer and calmer which has attracted my partner’s attention and allowed him to see me as the person he fell in love with.
Mo is calm, eloquent and an avid listener; qualities a woman needs when trying to work out the real challenge in her relationship. Thank you so very much for being there for me.”
"I have had the privilege to work with Mo and I am infinitely grateful for the impact his coaching has had on my life.Before coaching I felt really frustrated with myself, I knew there was something that I wasn’t seeing that was holding me back and yet I just hadn’t been able to figure it out. So after 6 years of struggling I decided to ask for Mo’s help.
The problem had become so big for me that it was impacting on my relationship with my fiancé and I knew that I didn’t want to start married life not being who I knew deep down I could really be.
Now Mo was tough – he didn’t let me get away with all the rubbish that was going round in my head – and he also worked with me in a way that enabled me to see what I needed to in order to get the result I was so committed to achieving.
Now I’m free to connect to my fiancé more openly and confidently which means the world to me.
Thank you"
“I feel like i can really create the life i want, there has been a lot of clearing in relation to my situation personally and i really feel able to have a springboard to larger and faster leaps in terms of integration, i am happier as a result and am feeling like i can shine and be myself even deeperI feel more centred content and calm, that i have been seated even more in my power centre and more aligned. I feel seated in my power, unmovable at source”
"Oh my god what has happened to my husband!!! He’s a new man!! He is so fucking amazing!!!You said to trust you…and I did…but I had no idea what the result of that would be. I certainly never thought it would lead to such a new husband in such a short time! I did what you said… I stepped back yesterday… I didn’t tell him, guide him, lead him… I asked him at every opportunity what to do so he could make the call. And he did. And then we had THE best sex of our lives!!! I’m SO HAPPY!!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! :-D"
“Our sex is better and deeper than ever – thank you for bringing this to us”
“Mo helped me to evaluate myself and my marriage. He helped me see everything from a new angle with fresh eyes. He helped me remember who I was and why I married my husband. He encouraged me to see how my actions and words affect my husband and how that affects our marriage and the dynamic between the two of us.He helped me see that in order for me to get what I want from my marriage I have to step back and allow my husband to step into the gaps that I leave. I had to be honest with him. I had to invite him to try the things I wanted.
I could never have predicted the response I got. It was exactly as Mo had said it would be. I followed Mo’s advice and told my husband my desires. I was blown away by how accepting he was.
This last week has been the best time I’ve spent with my husband in our entire marriage. We have become closer, the dynamic between us has completely changed. He is more attentive, he touches me at every possible moment. I am loving every second with him. He gives me exactly what I want and need without me having to ask for it.
Mo has helped me see that my marriage is worth fighting for. That my husband can give me everything I need. I had given up on ever being satisfied by my husband until I met Mo. And I won’t ever look back.”