Deep Dive Dojo | Men’s Private Intensive | Japan
3 Days of Deep Reflection, Intensive Training and Real World Embodiment
with Mo Latin: Men's Mentor, 7th Dan Black Belt and Shibari Artist

Mount Fuji and Lake Ashi, Hakone
Deep Dive Dojo
Held in private, traditional Japanese accommodation, complete with onsen (hot springs bath),
and set in nourishing natural surroundings, this will be a total unplug from The Matrix ...

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Held in private, traditional Japanese accommodation, complete with onsen (hot springs bath), and set in nourishing natural surrounds, this will be a total unplug from The Matrix ...
Limited to 6 Men
By Application Only
The core themes in men’s lives are most often: living on purpose, navigating intimate relationship and confidently exploring sexuality.
Wherever we are at in each of these realms, there is always the next edge for us to lean into, and more freedom and authenticity to be found in how we live each day.
Ultimately we want to live fully alive and free as our most authentic self, whatever our circumstances.
At the heart of our growth as men sits the hunger to live and speak our truth, to give our gifts, and to live each day aligned to who we truly are beneath the layers and habits we often hide behind or present to the world ... because of fears … excuses … past emotional injuries … nervous system conditioning …

Cherry blossom lined river in Hakone, Kanagawa, Japan
Practice Beyond Your Patterns
This unique immersive experience is your opportunity to explore your edges in a safely held container, to press beyond your current perceived limitations, and to practice opening your body, mind and heart to a richer, deeper everyday sense of feeling fully alive, consciously engaged in each moment, feeling freedom at your fullest capacity.
During this challenging yet sensitively-guided training experience, you will begin to observe the more subtle ways your mind games and bodily habits get in the way of your authenticity, freedom and self-expression.
You will feel where you tend to hold back on life, in being who you truly are, and the ways that you are yet to engage to your full potential, in your work, in relationship, and in your sexual exploration.
Together we will dial into the more subtle realms of habitual avoidance, self-sabotage and deeply entrenched conditioning, to notice what is in the way, and then find new ways to break beyond the patterns of mind-driven living, overcoming endless mind chatter, and tired, old stories, by learning to trust and live from relaxed body wisdom and calm, spacious emptiness.
Awakening Freedom Through the Body
Our focus during this time will be on deep dive conversations, self-reflection, and finely-tuned physical practices, both at our private traditional Japanese accomodation, and in taking these explorations into the real world as we venture out on nature hikes and cultural adventures - all in deep personal practice.
There will be many forms of enlivening challenge with other good men, who like you, are committed to deeper, more authentic living, and in giving your gifts fully to the world.

Scene from Kabuki play Kanadehon Chushingura - Kochoro (1890)
Budo 武道 The ‘Martial Way’.
There are many lessons to be learned from martial arts. In simple terms, these include mindset, movement, courage, commitment, discipline, fluidity, flexibility, playfulness, spontaneity, surprise, sensitivity, dynamic range, a relaxed and responsive body in relationship with another ... and much more ...
Each of these has many different layers to explore and practice through the heart, mind and body.
Every day we will safely explore a wide range of exercises, training and skills based on 1000 yrs of traditional Japanese Samurai and Ninja schools of martial arts:
- to get you out of the mind into the body
- to practice feeling rather than thinking
- to trust your body wisdom over logic and process
- to step through fear and resistance
- to embody responsiveness and assertiveness
- to focus intention
- to inspire free creative play
- to learn body confidence, and conscious control of self, and other ...
... all while letting go into the unknown.
‘Mushin’ 無心 ('No Mind')
These are the beginnings of Samurai training in ‘Mushin’ 無心 (‘no-mindedness’ - free from attachment, not fixed or occupied by thought or emotion and thus open to everything).
These practices in Mushin translate powerfully into our everyday interactions in our work, intimacy and engagement with our world, through a deeply felt sense of ‘knowing’ in the body that only conscious, relaxed and purposeful embodiment practice can bring.
This is a rare opportunity to expand your capacities and bandwidth across many layers of life, and to explore, own and embody the deeper self you have avoided or denied for too many years.

Old Tōkaidō Road, Hakone - Edo period Samurai pathway (Credit: Kabacchi)
Explore | Embody | Evolve
- Reconnect with your body, finding greater relaxation, with grounded, spacious, centered, confidence.
- Be fully in this moment. Awake. Aware. Available. Your best life, and everyday experience, depends on it.
- Replace the inner critic and distracting, self-sabotaging mind-chatter with spacious calm.
- Live from the body wisdom of your belly, balls and heart, deeper than logic, strategy and endless thinking.
- Explore creative ways to play, adapt and flow with whatever shows up in each moment.
- Practice moving with clear intention and decision, yet ready to respond to whatever arises in the moment.
- Increase body awareness and confidence in how you move and how you handle your intimate partner.
- Learn to live more fully and fearlessly in each moment.
- Move beyond fears and tensions around sexuality and fantasy, to own and integrate your dark side.
- Feel engaged and alive in the spontaneous joys and unpredictable challenges of everyday life.
- Learn to trust yourself deeper - your true self - and relax fully into who you really are.

Owakudani, Sengokuhara, Hakone, Kanagawa, Japan
What others say ...
Matt | Private Intensive | South Australia 2018
“I just spent two days with Mo in a deep dive private immersion because I was feeling that I wasn’t in control of my life and that I was losing myself, not honouring who I am.
The biggest breakthrough I had was learning how to honour myself.
We really made a big impact here. This has helped me in a really big way since returning home. I feel like I’m actually in control. I’m not stressing or getting a little crazy like I was. I am also able to take time to make decisions and feel into things a little more than I was. Honouring myself has also given me a set of values by which to communicate, act and do everything with my partner. We have both seen positive results already due to this.
I can now feel a better future and even getting close to seeing it. This is what excites me. I’m feeling a bit of the old Matt, just improved Matt 2.0
I feel more space and freedom in my life, I am more comfortable and confident, feeling stronger, relaxed and more open. I’ve slowed down - not so crazy. I want to keep feeling these things everyday.
The thing is, I’m not easy. I can be quite stubborn and want to do things my way. Mo took the time to understand what I needed. What suited me. And we had a breakthrough because of that.
I have no hesitation in recommending Mo for confidential coaching, and a private immersion experience, to breakthrough big issues for greater success in your personal life and business.“
Matt D. | Entrepreneur, Melbourne
DR F & S | Couples Private Intensive | New Zealand 2015
What did you like about working in an immersion format?
Her: “Wow… What did I like?? I liked every single thing!! It’s so incredibly powerful, it’s soooooo worthwhile to have that instant feedback on the spot. All the little tips and tricks. I felt there was nothing unseen. which makes it incredibly profound!”
Him: “Very intense, very detailed, non-verbal communication works better face to face. Duration is longer so it is possible to dive in even deeper. The ability to do physical stuff like attention for posture etc.”
What did you specifically like about working with (Lisa &) Mo?
Her: “I was surprised how natural it felt to be around you, it was exactly what we needed to push us to a different level
In working with (Lisa and) Mo in person you get to see “the real thing” right in front of you. I loved watching the interactions between you guys! I loved to see all Mo’s ways to restore polarity and It was profound witnessing Lisa opening up and no holding back.”
Him: “Your openness, the willingness to share intimate play. The clear feedback, your flexible approach to what surfaces.”
Would you recommend an immersion experience with Lisa & Mo to other couples? Why?
Her: “Yes! The deeper you are willing to dive, the more you’ll get out of it. I would always recommend it because I feel that Mo (and Lisa) have so much to offer. They are two very gifted people.”
Him: “Yes, this is an excellent way of deepening relationships, to find out about dysfunctional patterns and opening up through them.”
Dr F & S | Auckland, New Zealand

Nikkō Shrine in Nikkō, Japan - photo Mo Latin (2017)
KK | Private Intensive | Nikkō, Japan 2018
What challenges were you facing that the immersion helped you with?
"Being comfortable and centered in my body; just being present and ready to engage with another person's body as opposed to their mind"
What was your biggest breakthrough?
"Realising it is alright to touch another person; to feel and handle another person’s body; a man or woman.
And maybe to feel my body a bit more and be ok with feeling whatever I am feeling; sad or happy or even tense (but you feel less tense when you are "ok" with feeling tense)"
In what ways can you see how the breakthrough’s you had will make a difference in your real life and relationship?
"I was hesitant about dominating my wife physically; always scared of hurting her (she wanted to explore the mix of pleasure and pain) ... I can put that behind me now.
Also just being ok with not being ok is great too"
What did you like about working on this in an immersion format?
"Mo has a great sense of humour (when he lets it out) which made the immersion fun and relaxing. The setting was AWESOME.
Also Mo balanced the day well (i.e., not too much time "working"; some fun; some down time)"
What did you find most challenging about the immersion?
"The physical bits were hard; the shibari session on Sunday in particular; but while the shibari was tiring I found I enjoyed it a lot"
What did you specifically like about working with Mo?
"It helped that we got along very well. Mo's real dedication to helping me came through."
K. K. | Entrepreneur, Singapore

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Hakone, Kanagawa, Japan
Hakone is a truly stunning location - a region of great natural beauty, on the shores of Lake Ashinoko, famous for hot springs, and with Mount Fuji visible in the distance.
With easy access to lakes and forests, there will be plenty of hiking and nourishing engagement with nature. There are also many shrines, temples, cultural and historical sights close by, as well as art, galleries, museums and more.
We will be staying in a private, traditional Japanese property, in shared rooms as is customary, with tatami mats, shoji screens, futons and a hot spring onsen.

Onsen - Hakone, Japan (Credit: Espen Faugstad)
The property will be for our exclusive use, and will give us unlimited options in what we can do during our stay, without having to be concerned with staff and other guests.
Dining will be at local restaurants, to sample Japanese cuisine, as well as some western alternatives.
A Japanese speaking driver and guide will be available throughout your stay.

Beyond this gate God resides 箱根神社 平和の鳥居, 箱根町, Hakone Japan (Credit: IrisDragon)
Weds 18th to Sun 22nd Nov 2020

Shibuya Night, Tokyo (Credit: Guwashi999)
Your Arrival Day into Tokyo | Weds 18th Nov (meeting place TBC)

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Deep Dive Dojo Private Intensive | Thurs 19th to Sat 21st Nov
Each of the 3 days will comprise of
- Conscious embodiment practices, to awaken the body and empty the mind
- Embodiment of relaxed freedom, detachment and creative play through martial arts
- Deep dive conversation and self-enquiry
- Open Q&A sessions
- Individual practices to expand capacity and bandwidth
- Personal and group assignments
- Daily assignments and practices unpacked
- Cultural exploration of shrines, temples and other historical sights
- Hikes in nourishing natural surroundings
- Real-world practice to integrate learnings
Breaks and meals included

Integration & Relaxation Day | Sun 22nd Nov
Personal retreat time
Breakfast, lunch and dinner

Mt. Hakone (Credit: wuestenigel)
Depart from Hakone | Mon 23rd Nov
Depart for Tokyo (time TBC)
Private return transfers between
Tokyo and Hakone
5 nights in traditional
Japanese accommodation
Breakfast, lunch and dinner,
plus refreshments
(NOTE: alcoholic drinks not included)
3 days Deep Dive Dojo
Adventure Experience
Japanese speaking driver and guide available during lunch breaks (2hrs) and dinner
Private 90 min sessions with Mo
(Pre & Post event)
to prepare and then integrate
Airport transfers are included. Details of meeting time and place to be confirmed.
Plus, for your convenience, we will have a personal driver for our itinerary of adventures during the immersion.
NOTE - Flights and travel insurance are NOT included in your investment below.
You must have your own travel insurance to participate in this event.
If you need assistance to arrange flights, our Japan guide can help.
50% non-refundable deposit to secure your place.
50% balance due October 11th 2020.*
* This Event is Postponed due to Global Travel Restrictions
As this is a unique and bespoke Private Intensive and by application only, the above package will be confirmed once your initial payment has been received (deposit, or full payment if you choose).
REFUND POLICY: Please fully consider your commitment to this Deep Dive Dojo experience before making payment as there are no refunds.
Limited to 6 Men
By Application Only