Japanese Martial Arts & Self Defense
Unarmed and Weapons Training Intensive for Women
Japanese Martial Arts
& Self Defense
Unarmed and Weapons Training Intensive for Women
with 7th Dan Black Belt Instructor Mo Latin
Training in contemporary self defense Techniques and Traditional Samurai & Ninjutsu unarmed and weapons based Martial Arts

Women fighting the Imperial army during the Subjugation of Kagoshima in Sasshū (Satsuma), Kyūshū, by artist Yoshitoshi, 1877
“The true science of martial arts means practicing them in such a way that they will be
useful at any time, and to teach them in such a way that they will be useful in all things.”
Miyamoto Musashi
Japan’s Greatest Swordsman
“The true science of martial arts means practicing them in such a way that they will be useful at any time, and to teach them in such a way that they will be useful in all things.”
Miyamoto Musashi
Japan’s Greatest Swordsman
About this Event
At this martial arts training intensive you'll learn basic principles and simple, practical techniques for self defense against common attacks, using both traditional Japanese martial arts and contemporary self defense strategies.
Learn how to use everyday items as improvised weapons, as well as aligning psychology and physiology to move beyond fear.
Feel greater confidence and trust in your body, and in your ability to defend yourself and those you love.
Part of this intensive will also be training with traditional weapons (wooden, plastic or padded sticks, swords, knives) with techniques from traditional Samurai and Ninjutsu ryūha (schools).

"I enjoyed feeling more able to defend myself with some moves and knowledge about body mechanics. This gave me a feeling of increased personal confidence, emotional strength and resilience ... flexibility of mind and resourcefulness taught in this way will reflect out in all areas of life.
I really enjoyed the focus on effortless movements, and the re-iteration of practicing things the correct and full way so that in a moment of reflex the more useful action will be in muscle memory.
I loved the demonstrations by the instructors at such a high level - definitely kept the energy up seeing what you can do after years of practice! and the parts where the instructors told us some of their story and the history of the martial art.
The ritual at the beginning was beautiful.
What I loved most was training with weapons!
Thank you so much for creating this opportunity for us xo"

"I felt I went away with some skills that, although not executed perfectly, would serve me in a real world setting.
It was exciting to see how refinement and extension of the training would allow me to truly defend myself if necessary, as well as help with overall strength and fitness. It was an empowering experience that made me keen for more.
I think it would benefit women to know that there is definitely a psychological benefit to feeling prepared, albeit at a very preliminary level, to defend oneself.
I liked learning and practicing techniques to use if grabbed from in front and from behind.
I enjoyed that there was an initial demonstration sometimes coupled with some sparring between the two presentators (which gave a good sense of what was possible at an elite level) followed by the opportunity to practice and finishing with refinement. I liked that structure.
I think the intensive was well balanced and put together with elements that knitted together very well."

Corrinne Villis | SOUTH AUSTRALIA
"The environment felt very inclusive & safe, and the learning was easy to achieve skills.
What I got from the class was body awareness, perception of balance & weight & how that relates to being attacked by a larger person
The teaching style was gentle, friendly, approachable.
It's not scary and was easy to do! Have fun & learn new skills."

"What I loved was practising all the ways to get out of an attack, having a better understanding of body weight balance and how to use this to your advantage.
This was invaluable, very helpful. And having a body felt experience of feeling someone else's body balance and imbalance.
It was good to have (both) a female (and male) intructor - she brought a lot of the feminine experience to the table.
Very relaxed and prepared faciliatating helped the class feel trust and safe.
Some humour never goes astray.
And good feedback provided during the class to improve individually."

"For me, the benefits were greater co-ordination and sense of body awareness, the gift of knowing I have the capacity to respond to unwanted situations, centeredness and wakefulness ... and more joy!
I really enjoyed the physicality of it and feeling my own strength, although you do not need to be physically strong to have an impact and take away skills from this training.
I enjoyed the laughter with women but also the reminder that "everything is training", and seeing moves from different angles demonstrated several times, then again after trial really helped my catch on.
It was really cool to do and brought me a lot of joy. Thank you!"

"'What an amazing first experience with this martial art ...
I can't wait to learn it more ...
Thank you Mo Latin for being such a good informative instructor, and share your 20 years of skills and experience of this martial art.'"
What to Wear
What to Bring
This training intensive will be led by 7th Dan Black Belt instructor and Men's Mentor Mo Latin.
Japanese Martial Arts
& Self Defense
Unarmed and Weapons Training Intensive for Women
Next Training Day
To Be Confirmed
LOW INCOME? If you are unemployed or on a low wage, click the button above and make a donation.
This is an honour system to be respected, and for you to also honour whatever you can truly give towards the regular ticket price without leaving yourself short for life‘s essentials.
Nikkō Shrine in Nikkō, Japan - Mo Latin (2017)
Important Safety Information
You will be training in traditional martial arts techniques which may have the potential for injury if you play too hard, so it is very important that you follow and respect all instructions given and pay great attention to your own body and that of your training partner.
We will be training on mats and with safe (wood and plastic) training weapons.
You will be guided to serve and protect your training partner to ensure maximum learning, with safety as top priority.
This will be moderately physically demanding. All fitness levels welcome.

About Bujinkan
“Hall of the Divine Warrior”
武 martial 神 Gods or deities 館 hall
The Bujinkan is an organisation of Japanese martial arts, merging the knowledge, training and fighting skills of 6 Samurai Ryu (‘ryu’ = schools or disciplines) and 3 Ninjutsu Ryu.
These nine schools were inherited by Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi from Grandmaster Toshitsugu Takamatsu after his passing in 1972.
The Bujinkan was founded in 1974 by Dr. Hatsumi, 34th GrandMaster of the 900 year old Tokagure Ryu (school).
These martial art traditions passed down through many generations are not a competition sport, with sparring for points or submissions like judo or karate, but a collection of battlefield skills and training in sword, knife, staff, spear and many other weapons.
Bujinkan is a way of life, of survival, and of mindset around responsiveness, flexibility and flow, of being open to new ways of seeing and doing, of changing direction, technique and tactics until you find a way that works, and of the inner peace and spaciousness required for the inevitable unknown.
Commitment to a life of training in martial arts can be described as “Shugyō” 修行 literally translated as “conducting oneself in a way that inspires mastery” or “determined training that fosters enlightenment”.
"Your life is on the line, practice well."
Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi
Bujinkan Sōke | 34th Grandmaster of Togakure-ryu Ninjutsu

Training under 86yr old Bujinkan Sōke Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi, 34th Grandmaster of Togakure-ryu Ninjutsu, at his Honbu (headquarters) in Noda, Japan
About Mo Latin
Men’s Mentor | Black Belt | Shibari Artist
Mo left school at 17 to join the London music industry, against careers advice warning that he should ‘get a proper job’ …
Gifted with an ear for deep and detailed listening, and intrigued by human behaviour and artful self-expression, Mo has worked with top performers, artists and leading creatives from around the world for over 30 years, successfully helping them extract their unique brilliance, path and purpose, to live aligned and embodied in their greatest personal and professional potential.
20+ years in the London music industry as a musician, freelance recording engineer and music producer, eliciting ever better performance and expression from international recording artists, alongside 10 years as an international trainer/assessor for industry qualifications in music production and multi-track recording.
10+ years producing digital media and over 300 world-class live events with highly-acclaimed International speakers, authors and leaders in business, relationship and spirituality, including Anthony Robbins, Dr. John Demartini (more at AskTheAVPro), and currently as audio producer and workshop assistant with David Deida.
This was a period of massive growth, immersed in thousands of hours of intensive, high-level trainings (worth hundreds of thousands of dollars), with the opportunity to observe, experience and learn from the deep and profound work of worlds’ best in personal, relationship, business and spiritual development.
After 20 years training, Mo has attained 7th dan as a Black Belt instructor in traditional Japanese martial arts (Bujinkan – from Samurai and Ninjutsu lineage), he is also a studious practitioner of Shibari, and has a growing global following for his distinctive sensual photography.
Now based in Australia, Mo’s clients today are extraordinary entrepreneurs and leading creatives from all over the world, already highly successful, yet seeking something more – deeper personal fulfilment, to serve with more meaningful impact, to live a truly embodied life, to enjoy greater freedom, authenticity and alignment in everyday interpersonal engagement, purposeful business, open-hearted relationship and deeply connected sexual intimacy.
Mo has built a truly unique lifestyle business, deeply aligned to his values and passions, he shares an extraordinary, playful and passionate relationship (and business - Living Loving Deeper) with his partner Lisa Page, and works with clients from around the world to do the same.

Training under 86yr old Bujinkan Sōke Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi,
34th Grandmaster of Togakure-ryu Ninjutsu, at his Honbu
(headquarters) in Noda, Japan