Deep Waters… 

Every day when I wake up, every hour, every moment, every one of the next few decisions I make…. determines how life itself unfolds…

From where do those decisions come…?


I’m either in it, fully engaged…

In the deep waters… living at the razors edge of agony and ecstasy of what is here right now… the truth of now… and now… and now…

Or withdrawn… numb… distant…

Depriving myself…

Of life itself…

Stay in the depths.

The waters will inform me of what is next…

I will only know what SHE has to bring if I come from that same place…

If I meet HER there…

No outcome.

Just feel…

Pay attention.

Feel into the deep waters… from belly, thighs and down…

Pay such exquisite attention… to let what is living here now me move me…


What needs to be said, done or lived right now?

What am I scared about…?

Deep in my belly… what truth is there… waiting to unfold…?

What is here in this moment that needs to be done?

No decision… no action… until moved to do so…

Be where something else owns me.

Something larger than life itself…


Am I living the life I was built to live… that makes me feel alive?

Truly alive…

Don’t let each other go unconscious… take it deeper into what is truth now…

Dark Arts Love Ninja…

Feet to the Fire…

No fear.

Bodily felt integrity.

Walking towards HER.


Inspired by my good friend Kaidan – thank you