
[Last updated December 2022]

https://molatin.com is made available by LJ Lifestyle Solutions Pty Ltd as trustee for the LJ Lifestyle Solutions Trust ABN 63 967 032 314 of PO Box 8011, Grange, SA, 5022, Australia.

Any reference to ‘website’ in these terms and conditions means https://molatin.com and includes any third-party platforms that we use to deliver our services to you or communicate with you (eg. Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube).

By using this website, you are agreeing to be automatically bound by these terms and conditions, our Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, Waiver, and any other documents we make available to you directly or publish through our website from time to time, collectively referred to as ‘terms’. 

We encourage you to carefully read and understand these terms before using the website or any of our services.  If you don’t agree, your remedy is to stop using our website. 

We may update our terms from time to time and the new provisions will apply from the date they are updated.

Feedback, comments or complaints

If you have any questions, please contact us via mo@molatin.com and we will usually respond to all enquiries within three business days. We welcome the opportunity to talk with you and address any concerns.

Who we are

We work with women, men and couples to help them become authentically empowered and embodied in life, love, spirit, and sex.

Please do not use our website if you are not at least 18 years old.

You can find a variety of free and paid services on our websites, such as:

  • The Martial Art Of Relationship
  • Deep Dive Dojo | Japan
  • Shibari for Couples
  • MEN’S WORKSHOP: Core Principles and Embodied Practices

Our services

Our services are described on our website and may be updated, removed or replaced from time to time.  Service inclusions are set out on the website with each different offering. 

We offer a variety of products and services including self-paced programs, guided programs, coaching, online events, live events and digital products. 

These terms and conditions apply to whatever products or services you purchase. Please understand that your participation in, or completion of our services does NOT constitute a certification. You agree that you will not post on any public sites or in any way communicate that you are approved or certified to teach in the modalities taught by us. 


We require you to sign up and become a member with us before accessing some of our programs, including the EmbodyShe Program.

We have two types of membership for you to choose from – Essential and Immersive. Please refer to our website for more details on what each membership includes. 

How to apply

You can apply for our membership by submitting an Application Form [link]. Please understand that membership approval is not guaranteed. We will need to review your application. 

If we approve your application, we will email you an Order Page for you to agree to our Terms and Conditions and make payment for membership, or the program you have applied to complete.

We will provide you with a unique ID and password to access our Members Portal via email immediately after purchase.

You agree that:

  • you will provide true and correct details when signing up;
  • you will not share your login details with others;
  • you will immediately notify us if your password is lost or becomes known to any other person; and
  • you are solely responsible and liable for any loss or damage to us arising out of the use of your login details or online access.

Access to Program Resources 

All program resources are made available in the Members Portal. 

You understand and agree that you will only have access to the Members Portal for the duration of your membership. When you purchase 12-month membership, you will have access for 12 months. If you purchase membership and elect to pay monthly and stop paying at any time, your access will end when your payments become overdue.  

If you are offered access to live sessions or workshops, you must participate at the time they are offered. Your failure to attend a live session or workshop does not entitle you to a refund. We may provide recordings from time to time.

We reserve the right to change or substitute our materials at any time with alternatives that we believe will be of equal or greater value, or where circumstances require.

Individual components of our services are not redeemable, transferable, or interchangeable. Any unused component will expire at the end of your membership, whether or not you have used it.

Confidentiality And Privacy: Your Responsibilities   

As part of our programs, you may have the opportunity to connect with Lisa Page and Mo Latin in a group setting and learn from other participant’s questions (eg. live group calls and Private Community Forum).

It is very important that you understand and agree to respect the confidentiality of group discussions and the privacy of other members. Toxic, abusive and disrespectful conduct including spamming, naming and shaming, and sharing of private information of participants outside the group call or Community Forum will result in immediate removal from our programs and the cancellation of your membership without refund.

You are responsible for how you utilise the group call and Community Forum. You rely on any information received within the group call and Community Forum at your own risk.

Confidentiality And Privacy: Your Responsibilities   

You are responsible for:

  • being available at your private session times. We will contact you to work out a mutually agreeable time.
  • giving us at least 24 hours’ notice if you need to reschedule a session. You must reschedule your sessions within the Term of your services, otherwise they will expire at the end of the Term. We will attempt in good faith to reschedule a session before the end of your Term but cannot guarantee that Lisa or another coach will be available.
  • using all your private sessions before the end of your Term. Any unused sessions will not entitle you to a refund.
  • if participating in couples coaching, you acknowledge that information from either participant may be shared with the other participant as part of the program if your coach deems that to be appropriate. Your coach will let you know if that is to happen.

Live Events, Online Events, Digital Products

From time to time, we may offer live events, online events, and digital products for you to purchase separately or as a combination. Please follow our website for more upcoming events and event details.

Our media waiver applies to all event recordings.

Media Waiver

You understand and agree that we may create an audio, video, photographic or other recording of our live sessions (whether it be live group calls, workshops, live events or online events) and that this may include your image and or voice (Recording).

Copyright in the Recording will belong to us from creation.

If you do not consent to your face being shown in the Recording, please let us know each time before you attend a live session, and we will try our best to make sure your image is not captured or will blur your image to de-identify you in the Recording. If you fail to notify us before the recording is made you are deemed to have irrevocably agreed to permit us to use your likeness, and waive any rights in regard to the recording. 

You acknowledge and agree that we may use the Recording in any manner and on any media, including editing and or using parts of the Recording to create derivative works. You irrevocably waive all editorial rights or compensation rights associated with the Recording.

Force Majeure

You agree that we are not liable for any failure to deliver our services due to causes beyond our reasonable control including acts of God, natural disasters, government actions, breakdown of plant, machinery or equipment, and any other unforeseen circumstances. 

In particular, if we are unable to deliver a face-to-face workshop or event due to COVID regulations, you will not be entitled to a refund.

For this reason, we request you get Travel Insurance that covers such circumstances.

Pricing and Payment

The price of our services is advertised on our website. All prices are in USD (unless otherwise stated) and are inclusive of GST for participants who are Australian residents.

We reserve the right to change prices from time to time. Please check our website for the most current pricing information.

You agree to pay our fees in full and on time whether or not you use or access all components of our services, whether you pay upfront or by instalments. You are not signing up for a monthly subscription.

If you are paying by monthly instalments, you will be required to make your first payment at the time you sign up to our services. The remaining instalments will be due the same day of each successive month until paid in full.

If you are paying by monthly instalments and are in arrears with your payments,  your access to our service may be suspended until all fees are paid up to date, and at our option, we may request payment in full for the balance of our services. Any suspension does not change the timeframe of our services. Your access to our services will still expire at the end of your term and you will be liable to pay for the full amount of the services.

If any payment is dishonoured for any reason, you will be liable for dishonour fees. If money remains unpaid, you will also be liable for any costs and disbursements that we incur in pursuing the debt (including legal costs on a solicitor and own client basis) and debt collection costs to the extent permissible under relevant legislation.

Refund Policy

We aim to provide you with personalised services. In accepting one of the limited number of places we have available, you acknowledge that we are committing our time and resources to you. In addition, we make available all our materials via the Members Portal for our EmbodyShe Program, so the value of our services is delivered to you when we provide you with your unique login details. 

For this reason, if you decide to withdraw from our services before the end of your term, we will not offer a refund. If you are paying by instalments, you are agreeing to pay for our services in full and will not receive a refund in any event, subject to Australian Consumer Law.

Self Mastery in Relational Practice | 2 - 3 November, 2024 | London|
BlackBelt Body Mechanics | 13 October, 2024 | London

Because this is a small event and requires careful balancing of attendees for workshop practices, there are no refunds within 7 days of the event start date. We appreciate your understanding of this.

In the case of an emergency, you may transfer your ticket to a friend, provided her application is approved.

If you give us more than 90 days notice prior to the event start date, and do not have a friend to transfer your place to, you can request a refund for 50% minus the non-refundable deposit and credit card processing fees.

All cancellation and refund requests must be sent to mo@molatin.com.

Your Responsibilities

You agree:

  • that it is your responsibility to make use of the services you purchase, and commit time to participate in the services to ensure you obtain the maximum benefit;
  • that you are solely responsible for your own physical, mental and emotional wellbeing when using our services. You understand that you can choose to discontinue using our services at any time but that will not entitle you to a refund; and
  • if you have existing health conditions, you must confirm that you have obtained the approval of your doctor or health professional to participate in our services.

No unlawful or prohibited use

As a condition of your use of this website, you warrant that you will not use this website for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these terms and conditions.

You may not use this website in any manner which could damage, disable, overburden, or impair this website or interfere with any other party's use and enjoyment of this website.

You agree not to hack into areas of this website that are not intentionally made available to you.

You expressly agree not to:

  • engage in any internal or external spamming, or other similar actions
  • engage in any unlawful or immoral acts, or acts which are in violation of these terms and conditions
  • decompile, reverse engineer, or try to copy or imitate this website or underlying content
  • rent, lease, sell, transfer, redistribute, or make available your access to our website to any third party
  • collect data from our website for any marketing activity or to contact individuals for marketing purposes
  • use our website in a manner that could bring us into disrepute

Medical Disclaimer

We are not qualified health professionals and do not provide medical or mental health advice.

If you have any concerns about your health before, during or after participating in our services, please consult with a qualified medical and or mental health professional immediately.

You understand that our services are not to be used as a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice. You must seek independent professional guidance for health-related matters. You agree that all decisions and actions relating to your health are exclusively your responsibility.

You acknowledge that our services involve yoga, health, meditative practices, interpersonal relationships, sex, and sexuality, including the practice of masculine/feminine and sexual archetypes. You participate voluntarily in our services. We will not be liable for any injury, loss or damage you may suffer as a result of participating in our services.

You understand that our services require physical or mental relaxation as well as exertion, which may be both relaxing and strenuous and can cause beneficial physical or other changes, as well as injury and unanticipated physical or mental challenges. You warrant that you understand your own limitations and will stop engaging in our services before becoming ill or injured.

General Disclaimer

Our services aim to provide a thought-provoking process to help you liberate your mind and body. Our materials are made available for educational purposes only.

While we aim to use reasonable care and skills in delivering our services, we make no guarantee that there will be an improvement to your current situation or that your objectives will be met. 

It is your responsibility to access and make use of the materials available to you. You understand that the benefit you receive from our services will depend on your personal circumstances and how you apply what you learn.

You are responsible for your own decisions, choices, actions and results when implementing our guidance and recommendations. You agree that you rely on our information at your risk and that we will not be liable for any action or inaction, or direct or indirect result of your decisions.

While every care is taken, we make no representations about the suitability, reliability, availability, timeliness, completeness and accuracy of anything provided on our website for any purpose. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, anything contained on our website is provided "as is" without warranty or condition of any kind.

Links disclaimer

This website may contain links to other websites (Linked Sites). The Linked Sites are not under our control and we are not responsible for the contents of a Linked Site. We are not responsible for any form of transmission received from any Linked Site. Links are provided to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply our endorsement of the website, or any association with its operators.

Copyright, Trademarks and other Intellectual Property

We own the intellectual property rights in the contents of the websites or have permission to use or display the material on the website. 

You agree that any content you post to our website becomes our property.


You may only use our website content for your own personal use and not for any commercial purpose. Recording or sharing our content without our prior written permission is expressly prohibited. 

You are expressly prohibited from copying our content for the purpose of sharing the content with others, creating your own programs or otherwise exploiting the content in any way. You may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, translate, sell, create derivative works, exploit or distribute in any manner any material from our website without our prior written permission.

You agree not to change or delete any copyright or proprietary notice from materials downloaded from our website.

Any content posted on our website by third parties are the responsibility of those third parties and may be subject to copyright. You must ask permission from the third party before using any of their content. 


If we believe you have infringed out intellectual property rights, we will contact you and ask you to stop. We reserve the right to take further action as required. 

If you believe there is material on our website that infringes third party intellectual property rights, please contact us with sufficient information to enable us to determine who the owner of the intellectual property is. If we form the reasonable belief that there has been an infringement, we will remove the infringing content from our website.


We make efforts to maintain the security of our website. However, we do not guarantee the security of the website, our records, or your content. 

We disclaim all liability for any computer virus or technological problems that we do not intentionally cause or that is beyond our control. You are encouraged to install and maintain up-to-date security software on your computer. 

Continuous accessibility to the website is dependent upon third party services. As a result, the website may be inaccessible from time to time.

Limitation of liability

We will not be liable to you or any other person for any damages whatsoever arising as a result of your use of our website and or services in any way, subject to Australian Consumer Law.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, you acknowledge and agree that our total aggregate liability is limited at our discretion to the provision of our services again, or to a refund equal to the total amount paid by you for those services, even if that amount is zero.

This limitation of liability survives any termination or expiration of this agreement or your use of our website.


You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless against any claims, damages, liabilities, costs, or expenses (including without limitation court costs and reasonable legal fees) related to:

  • any content you post or share via this website
  • your use of this website or services included or advertised on this website
  • your breach of these terms and conditions

General Terms

Relationship – You agree that we are delivering services to you as an independent contractor and nothing in these terms and conditions should be interpreted to suggest otherwise.

Governing Law - This agreement is governed by the laws of South Australia, and you agree to be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of South Australia if there was a serious dispute between us. 

Unauthorised Use - Use of this website is unauthorized in any jurisdiction that does not give effect to all provisions of these terms and conditions, including without limitation this paragraph. If you are resident in a jurisdiction where the use of this website is unauthorised, it is your responsibility to stop using this website.  

No Waiver - Any time or other indulgence granted by us will not in any way amount to a waiver of any of our rights or remedies under this agreement.

Severability - If any of these terms and conditions are determined to be invalid or unenforceable, then the invalid or unenforceable provision will be severed, and the remainder of the terms and conditions will continue in effect.

Entire agreement – These terms and conditions together with our privacy policy, disclaimer, waiver and any other notice or document we provide on our website or directly to you, form the entire agreement between us.

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